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Gym and Fitness Space Under Construction: Fitness room, Mini-fitness room, Gymnasium closed August 23rd-October 1st.
Kings Bay Y

Colored Sounds

Colored Sounds

Dates: TBD based on COVID-19 released guidelines

Mondays: 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM (Ages 8-10)

Tuesdays: 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM (Ages 11-13)

One-Hour Class Fee: $25.00 Per Class

Colored Sounds is a craft-based Art course intended for the students who are interested in the creative process, but not interested in the fine art aspect (drawing/painting). Students will learn about the art and craft of various cultures while creating works of art. Students will get to experience working with a variety of different mediums such as paint, clay, fabric, metal, wood, and yarn, while learning multiple studio techniques.

Instructor: Michael Ivanov – Learn More


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