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Gym and Fitness Space Under Construction: Fitness room, Mini-fitness room, Gymnasium closed August 23rd-October 1st.
Kings Bay Y

KBY Academy FAQ

Kings Bay Y Academy FAQ

(As of August 2020)

What COVID-19 safety protocols will be implemented?

All staff members will be required to wear face coverings at all times while inside the building as well as whenever with the children.  Hand sanitizer stations have been installed throughout all of our locations for use by all who enter the premises and walk around the building.  Our maintenance staff will clean and sanitize throughout the day on an hourly basis, focusing on all public spaces and frequently-used areas such as door knobs, handles, etc.

Will there be temperature checks?

All children and staff will have their temperature checked before entering the building. Anyone with a temperature of 100.3 F or more will not be allowed to enter the premises.There will also be random temperature checks throughout the day for children.

What forms do parents need to submit in order to attend the program?
  • COVID-19 Waiver
  • Medical Form
  • Authorized pick-up list
  • KBY Academy application
  • Trip/Aquatics Permission Form
Will teachers be assisting children during remote learning?

Each group has permanent counselors that are consistently assisting children. Our DOE-certified teachers as well as specialty instructors will be rotating throughout the groups during various periods. Groups will not be interacting with each other.

How will children’s groups be arranged?

Children will be grouped by age and grade.  If there are enough children attending from a particular school, we will do our best to group them based on exact classrooms whenever possible.

How many children will be in each group?

Groups will have no more than 15 children.

What is the policy regarding face coverings?

We will follow NYC Department of Health guidelines.

What will a typical day be like for my child?

Sample schedules will be available shortly

What is the format for distance learning?

We will follow the school schedules. When no classes are in session, children will rotate among enrichment/educational activities.

Do I have the option of switching from part-time to full-time?

Yes, but we will need one week’s notice.

Will children have outdoor time?

Weather permitting, children will be utilizing our outdoor playground area. It is our intention to maximize as much fresh air as possible (while the weather permits).

Will swimming be part of their activities?

We intend to use our swimming pool the moment that the Mayor permits indoor pool usage. Once indoor swimming pools are allowed to be open, recreational swimming will be added to children’s daily schedules.

Will there be bus service?

At this time we are still determining the logistics to see if bus transportation is a possibility for potential KBY Academy students.  Depending on demand, bussing from select areas may be offered.  For inquiries please contact the Main Office directly at – 718-648-7703 ext. 0 or

Are parents able to select their schedule?

The payments are calculated on a per-day basis. This is done to allow parents absolute flexibility with their registrations and to accommodate any needs that they may have. Parents may select anywhere from one day to a full week to a full month of programming.

What is the payment schedule?

Families must pre-pay in order for children to attend Kings Bay Y Academy. Payment is due the Friday before children start.

Will we offer private tutoring?

If you are interested in private tutoring, you can schedule an appointment with the program director to discuss this option further.

Can children bring phones and tablets?

Children are permitted to use their electronic devices during remote  learning. They will not be allowed to use devices during non-remote learning activities.

For any other questions, please contact us at 718-648-7703 or