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Kings Bay Y

Tween Jewish Program

Tween Jewish Program

Exclusively for Middle School Students

Selected Sundays from 3 PM to 5PM

  • Program led by an Israeli fellow
  • Jewish Identity Building
  • Explore Israeli Culture
  • Leadership classes and college prep
  • Fun and social programs
  • Develop lasting friendships

Program Dates:

September 29th: Master Chef – We’ll be making Shakshuka, a traditional Israeli dish.
October 20th: Isramopoly – A fun game of Israeli Monopoly that explores Israel’s history.
November 3rd: Movie Time! – A screening of an engaging Israeli film.
November 17th:  Sigd (Jewish Ethiopian holiday)December 8th: Krav Maga – A session introducing the basics of this martial art.
December 22nd: Hanukkah Celebration

For more information: Noam Moisi at or 929-282-9748

This program is brought to you free of charge thanks to the Merchants of Nostrand Ave


Interested to Learn More?

Tween's First & Last Name(Required)
Parent's Name(Required)